Tina Stallard

Tina Stallard
Live fully in the present moment …connect with your body and your breath… bring awareness to your experience… with tender, loving care… 

Welcome to TLC Yoga and Mindfulness


  • Yoga helps develops balance, flexibility and strength
  • Yoga reduces stress through relaxation and breathing
  • One-to-one and group classes
  • Suitable for people of any ability
  • Specialist classes: Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs 

Find out more about the benefits of Yoga.


I am based in Greenwich, South East London. Please contact me for more information.

Do sign up for my newsletter, where I share suggestions for making mindfulness part of daily life, write about mindfulness courses and yoga classes and workshops I’m leading, and give information about events and resources that might interest you. You’ll get around 2 or 3 emails a year, so don’t worry about being swamped. And you can unsubscribe at any time.


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All images owned by Tina Stallard

Websites for therapists by: YouCan Consulting